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  • a-raiola-verde
  • a-terra-derradeira
  • balata
  • camino-do-mar
  • compista-tella
  • eterna-caravana.-alen
  • porto-vigo
  • teixido
  • torre-de-hercules
  • verea-antiga

Brath name Celtic leader of Galicia, is currently the alter ego of Eloi Caldeiro, composer, voice and drums group.

Brath, Celtic music band, born in 1980 and characterized since its inception by the fusion of Celtic music with melodies and rhythms from different places and styles, presents its new album, generically “Codex”.

Since its inception Brath was mixing Celtic music with rock, pop, bossa, African music, Arabic … and everything presaged that Eloi, sooner rather than later incorporate flamenco to this mixture, and it was.

While previous albums Cauldron had already made some approaches to flamenco music, never before built such topics with a clear vocation. Because the subjects of “Codex”, which is the name of the new album Brath, not only mingle with flamenco, and that they would merge in an intense embrace of melodies and rhythms, resulting in a symbiosis never before achieved. The melodies and rhythms Celts, go hand in hand with flamenco, a fluid and natural way, without losing any of the two hallmarks. To reach this degree of communion, boilers, joined the band Alberto Lucena, guitarist Andalusian that holds all the charm of the flamenco world.

With this new step Brath became one of the leading groups in the fusion and fusion, because apart from flamenco, present in all subjects, no disk touches of African music, Arabic and medieval, which make Codex a compendium of songs from different cultures, to which must be added the lyrics of the album, written by boilers, in addition to music and poet and lyricist. In them describes the different ways by which the pilgrims came to the ends of the world, to see how the sun melted into the sea.

The texts of “Codex” talk about the legends of these lands from the end of the world for ancient people were in Galicia, in the most western end of the world, Finisterre, the end of the earth.

Want to buy this album in physical format? Contac us

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